Directions and Map
Address and Map
Whittier Elementary School
1320 NW 75th St, Seattle, WA 98117
Whittier Elementary School has a School Street that is open for students and adults walking, rolling, and biking and closed to pass through traffic, including parents. Read more about the School Street below.

Keep Our Wildcats Safe!
We are ALL responsible for keeping children safe — let’s work together to make drop-off and pick-up a smooth process. Please take time to review traffic safety rules with children. Small children often forget important precautions.
In particular, May is Bike/Unicycle Everywhere Month. Many of our Wildcats are arriving at school on one or two wheels, making them feel extra vulnerable. Drivers, please take note of the driving/drop off rules at Whittier.
Students riding to school are expected to walk their bicycles, scooters, and skateboards once they reach a patrol crossing. Bicycles, scooters, and skateboards may not be ridden on school property between 7:35 AM and 2:25 PM.
Bike parking is available behind the school building in the southeast corner of the blacktop area. Please lock your bike as the school is not responsible for loss or damage. Arrange skateboard and scooter storage in advance with teachers or the office.
Bike Trains
A bike train is a group of students and adults who bicycle to school together along a previously-arranged route, making stops to pick up others along the way. Organizing a bike train can be formal — involving the school community in a program with several bike trains —or informal — with just you and your neighbors riding to school together; just make sure that everyone has fun!
In general, the components of a bike train include:
- Front and rear adult riders to make sure children are all “aboard” together (its best to have one parent for every 3-6 students)
- Appropriate spacing (one bike-distance between each passenger)
- Single file
- Train rules (use hand signals, no swerving, have basic knowledge of bicycle safety, etc.)
Several online guides and resources can help you organize a community bike train:
Bus Riders
Staff members help students learn the bus routine, meet students arriving by bus in the mornings, and escort bus riders to their bus each day after school. Children who ride the bus are expected to be respectful to the driver and follow all bus safety rules (listed below). A bus pass, available from the office with a parent/guardian note or email, is required to use a different stop or to be a guest rider.
Bus Safety Rules
- Stay back from the curb until the bus has come to a complete stop. Never go near a moving bus and stay away from the back wheels of the bus.
- When exiting the bus, wait for the bus driver to signal you to cross the street. Never run in front of a bus, even if the bus sign is out.
- Stay in the first seat you choose or your assigned seat.
- No eating or leaving your seat while on the bus.
- Talk quietly to the person sitting next to you only.
- Keep all parts of your body inside the bus.
- Never throw anything in or out of the bus.
- Keep hands, feet and items out of the middle aisle of the bus.
The privilege of riding the school bus may be revoked if a student fails to follow safety rules or receives repeated bus write-ups.
Dropping off
When dropping off your child(ren) by car, drive slowly and carefully around the school . Please be attentive to children crossing the street, traffic patterns, drop zones, and crossing guards.
Closed Streets
Whittier Elementary School has School Streets that are open for students and adults walking, rolling, and biking and closed to pass through traffic, including parents. See the flyer below for more information.
Please observe No Parking signs, do not double park, and remember there is NO parking or drop off allowed in bus zones (located alongside the school on 13th Ave NW). Please do not block driveways (leave 5 feet of space) or crosswalks (leave 20 feet of space); parking too close to crosswalks decreases visibility, and school buses can’t turn the corners. Remember, we are a neighborhood school and we need to respect our neighbors. Failing to observe these restrictions could result in a fine or your car being towed.
What is a School Street?
School Streets are open for people walking, rolling, and biking, and closed to pass through traffic, including parents. The goals are to:
- provide social distancing space for daily attestation at school start times
- reduce traffic congestion in front of schools
- encourage families to walk or bike to school or park a few blocks away and walk
When is a School Street in effect?
School Streets are in effect 7 a.m. – 5 p.m. on school days.
With the designation of School Streets, it becomes okay to walk in the street to keep
6 feet apart.
How can I use a School Street when taking my child to and from school?
- When possible, walk, roll, or bike with your child to school
- If you must drive to school, try parking 1 block away and finishing the trip on foot
- Students provided with district transportation or with mobility needs can access the block
Visit the School Streets website

Local access only for:
- Residential access
- District provided transportation/ADA
- Local deliveries
- Non-motorized
Finding Safe Routes
Walking and biking is a fun, healthy and sustainable way to get to and from school. How to find the safest route from your home to school:
- Pick streets where there are sidewalks or paths separated from traffic, when possible.
- When you can, choose neighborhood streets instead of busy main streets.
- When biking, use trails, neighborhood streets, and protected bike lanes.
- Cross busy streets where there are traffic signals, stop signs, crossing beacons, school crosswalks, or crossing guards.
Walking Safety Tips
- Pay attention. Don’t be distracted by your cell phone or headphones.
- If there’s no sidewalk, walk on the left side of the street, as far from traffic as possible.
- Look left, right, and left again at all intersections.
- Make eye contact with people driving before crossing.
- Walk, don’t run across the street.
- Follow the instructions of crossing guards and school patrol.
Biking Safety Tips
- Gear up. Always wear a helmet and use bike lights.
- Pay attention. Don’t be distracted by your cell phone or headphones.
- Ride predictably and use hand signals when stopping and turning.
- Ride in the same direction as traffic when on the street.
- If riding on a sidewalk, ride slowly and yield to people walking.
- Look left, right, and left again at all intersections.
- Walk your bike across busy streets.
- Obey all stop signs and red lights.
Driving Safety Tips
- Slow down; 20 MPH is plenty.
- Pay attention and watch for other children and families.
- Stop for pedestrians (all intersections are legal crossings).
Walkers and Safety Patrol
Children who walk to school should establish a walking route with their parents. “Safe walking routes” can also be determined with the help of school staff.
Keep our Wildcats safe and teach them proper pedestrian behavior. Teach your child to:
- Understand and obey traffic signs and signals.
- Cross at corners using traffic signals and crosswalks. Do not cross between or near school buses.
- Use a crossing guard if present.
- Stop at the curb before crossing the street.
- Look left-right-and left again before crossing the street. Cross when clear and keep looking both ways while crossing.
- Walk, don’t run , across the street.
- Walk facing traffic on sidewalks and paths.
- Watch for cars that are turning or backing up.
- Try to make eye contact with drivers before crossing in front of them. “Do you see me?”
- Wear bright clothing in the daytime and reflective material at dawn and dusk.
Student Safety Patrol crossing guards are stationed in the morning before school, and in the afternoon after school at the following locations:
- NW 75th and 14th Ave NW (East/West Crossing)
- NW 75th and 13th Ave NW (East/West Crossing)
- NW 75th and 14th Ave NW (North/South Crossing)
Adult crossing guards are stationed in the morning before school and in the afternoon after school at the following locations:
- NW 75th and 8th Ave NW
- NW 80th and 13th Ave NW